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Writer's pictureJuleen Anderson

"I have a dream"

Updated: May 20, 2022

“It’s never too late to follow your dreams and there is no time like the present” Unknown but often used quote.

While I agree with the latter part of the quote: no time like the present to start pursuing your goals....I have to disagree with the first part. Time waits on no man, and let’s be frank, if you are a 85 year old man or woman and your dream was to build small cabins on green luscious vacant lots then you have missed that calling. It is actually too late to purse that dream. It’s not me it’s biology.

So let’s scratch the first part of the quote and stick with “there is no time like the present to follow your dreams”.

All that to say is, Welcome to Julz Journal and to my first blog post. I struggled with a myriad of topics for my first post. I ultimately decided that it should be light, useful and some sort of introduction?? (I will hit you guys with the heavy stuff later).

So ramblings aside, I want to talk about my dream and the steps I have taken so far to start accomplishing that.

If you have not read my bio, shame on you Betsy Boo. My dream is to become a successful blogger and author and to actually make a decent living doing these two things.

This dream actually took a backseat when I started adulting. For some of you who are at the pre-adulting stage or you’re just rich this means:

  • Working the old “9-5” and I put that in quotation marks because let’s face it the 9-5 is just a conspiracy.

  • Paying bills which includes rent, utilities, credit cards, loans, mortgage and the list goes on. Quick search on google and you can find a long list of what revolves around “bills”

  • Did I mention paying bills??

  • Other worldly duties because with "great power comes great responsibility"

  • And paying bills

Basically all your money and time goes towards bills and “others” because that is what adulting is. Oh and maybe the occasional social event or vacation. Emphasis on occasional....I should probably change that to rare occurrence (unless you’re rich).

Back on topic, with that educational session out of the way, the pandemic really shifted my focus to a “I matter more” approach. I decided after much procrastination to start blogging while working on my first book - multitasker right here!

I realized that this would need to be done on a phase by phase basis. Naturally, and because I am a genius I started with phase 1.

My phase one was simple: Create a website.

The first step I took towards accomplishing this task was to do some research.

Ok that is a lie, that was probably the 5th step.

See below a more honest step by step approach that I took to accomplishing phase 1

Step 1: Procrastination.

Step 2: More procrastination

Step 3: Tell everyone about my dream with a detailed blueprint of how it would work

Step 4: Procrastinate but also complain to friends about feeling unfulfilled

Pause and wait for it.....: Universe obviously annoyed by my complaining gave me a much needed reality check. This one was a emotional slap in the face .

Back to regular programming

Step 5: Research

I took to the internet and compared what website platforms are easy to use and build and the cost involved. Then I focused on what to include in a blog and authors website.

Step 6: Putting all that information together in a document

Step 7: Made a timetable on deliverables and a launch date for my website

Step 8: Procrastinated for a bit due to self doubt

Step 9: Started the website.

Once I got going my mental space was overtaken by a sense of pride and determination to get stuff done. Suddenly the tasks became more of a challenge of excellence than a burden.

Step 10: Launch my website.

Phase 1 completed

Now here is where it gets technical and honest. Contrary to what society tells you step 1 is important. Procrastination brings clarity to decision making and helps you to prioritize. Nothing cuts through the clutter like being short on time or the constant ache in the pit of your soul reminding you that “you have a dream”.

Too much procrastination however can create problems and sloppy work.

My suggestion is to start with step 1 and procrastinate for a little bit as you may discover more effective ways of getting your tasks complete.

I would skip steps 2-4 not only to save yourself some time but to avoid the villain that is the universe (see pause and wait for it up top).

Jump straight into step 5 and start developing a plan, write it down, do your research and start building that critical path to your dreams.

Put a timeline on everything but don’t beat yourself up if you miss a deadline. Just don’t miss too many because “time waits on no man”

Thank you for reading and I would love to hear your comments, feedback and possible topics for discussion.

Please subscribe and share my blog with friends and family.

Thank you!

Until next week

Julz out!


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