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Writer's pictureJuleen Anderson

To All The Mothers I Love

Updated: May 16, 2022

There are six letters in the word “mother” and an insurmountable definition of the term. The word is so unique that it's personified based on the biological, mental, physical and emotional tenets of each. Dubbed the “nurturer” of the human species,

a mother's impact is the foundation on which society has been built, reshaped and evolved. Mothers are the end game! -Juleen

If we examine the word closely, each letter is customizable based on the attributes each individual assigns to a motherly figure.


A personalized letter from the six is stronger than the silk from a spider’s web; symbolic of protection and strength but soft enough to wrap you in warmth and love.

The letter “R” is the 18th letter of the English alphabet. In Egyptian school of thought the letter “R” represents the Egyptian God “Horus” who was referred to as the “Hawk God”. The hawk in and of itself signifies wisdom in action, a savior and hunter.


To the first woman I Love - My Mother

R - Resourceful

The word “resourceful” is an adjective used to describe someone who has the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulty. My mother personifies this word through her incredible ability to provide, support and rescue in the face of challenges. To support us - her family, my mother assumed roles sometimes simultaneously that others would turn up their noses at. She hustled to ensure that we not only had food to eat but the opportunity to pursue our studies at the capacity we were capable of and not the status we born into. I will never forget the response and subsequent actions my mother took when I told her I had been accepted at one of the most prestigious high schools in my city. A school that was far away from home and travel would prove too costly. I was ready to hear the words “ unfortunately” but instead my mother responded with pride and enthusiasm “don’t worry, your education is not for barter, you will attend the school you qualify for”. Weeks later my mother was in another country employed as a live in helper.

Despite the treatment she sometimes endured in her bid to guarantee our success, she never wavered in her love but instead adapted and inspired generations - present and future.

Happy Mothers Day Mommy!


To the Second Woman I Love - My sister

R- Resilient

"Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough" -Og Mandino

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from life's challenges and unforeseen circumstances, creating a mental and emotional fortitude to fight and rise again.

I ascribe this word to my sister as I’ve had a front row seat to the battering and thrashing life has meted out to her, only to see her rise from the ashes with feathers of steel and the fire of determination.

From failed business ideas to flailing health and finances my sister continues to stand firm in the face of every obstacle, meeting every blow with renewed vigor and energy.

Despite the mental, physical and emotional bruises, my sister - like the willow in a storm, bends when she must and always survives.

She has stood the test of time. MY HERO!


To all the Mothers who are Loved

R - Royal

The word royal spurs images of grandeur, magnificence, greatness and grace.

  • Grandeur - To make any space into a home

  • Magnificent- To never giving up despite the struggles

  • Greatness - To nurture and raise another human being

  • Grace - To persevere despite your fears


To all the Mothers who have Passed

R - Rest in Peace

Your love and sacrifices lives on forever. Though this gaping wound will never heal the love and memory of you shall never pass.

Until we meet again face to face - Happy Mother’s Day to you my star.

Drop a “R” word in the comment section that describes your mother.

Until next time....Julz out


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