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Embrace Your Uniqueness Series: Their Absence in Your Life Does Not Depreciate Your Value

BEAUTIFUL ME (Series): Their Absence in Your Life Does Not Depreciate Your Value

Welcome to another issue titled 'Embrace Your Uniqueness.' Today, we will address the impact of someone leaving our lives and the feelings of inadequacy that may arise as a result. We will also explore how their absence does not diminish one's worth.


The Pain of Their Departure


When someone exits our lives—be it a friend, a partner, or even a mentor—it can leave us in a whirlwind of emotions. I’ve been there, too. Each time someone walked away, I found myself ruminating, replaying every conversation, every interaction. I’d ask myself repeatedly, “What did I do wrong? Was I not enough? Did I not add value to their life?” These questions would haunt me, casting shadows of doubt and making me question my self-worth. It’s a natural response. After all, we invest time, love, and energy into our relationships, so it can feel like a personal failure or rejection when someone leaves. The loneliness that follows can amplify these thoughts, leading us to believe that their departure reflects something lacking within us. But the truth is far more complex and kinder than that.

Understanding the Seasons of Relationships

There’s a well-known saying: “People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.” Not everyone who enters your life is meant to stay forever, and that’s okay. Each person who crosses your path serves a purpose—some teach us lessons, some bring joy, and others help us grow in ways we never imagined. When someone leaves, it’s not necessarily because you did something wrong or you’re not enough. Often, it’s simply that their season in your life has ended. It’s a natural part of life’s ebb and flow, where we continuously evolve, and so do our relationships.



Finding the Lessons and Moving Forward


Yes, it’s heartbreaking. Yes, it can leave you feeling empty and broken. But just as we grieve the loss of a loved one, it’s essential to allow yourself to grieve the end of a relationship. Grieving is a necessary process—it’s how we process the loss and begin to heal. However, instead of dwelling on what went wrong or fixating on the loss, shift your focus to the positive memories and lessons. What did this person bring into your life? What did you learn from them? How did you grow during the time you spent together? Cherish the good times and carry those lessons forward as you continue your journey.


Your Value is Unchanging


One of the most important truths to remember is this: your worth is not defined by who stays or leaves. You are inherently valuable, just as you are. The presence or absence of someone in your life does not diminish your value. Their departure doesn’t mean you are lacking or something is wrong with you. You are worthy of love, respect, and joy, regardless of who is in your life at any given moment. Relationships will come and go, but your intrinsic value remains constant.


Embracing Your Worth

As you navigate the inevitable comings and goings in life, hold on to this truth: their absence does not depreciate your value. You are more than enough, and your worth is not contingent upon the presence of others.

You are a Masterpiece! 

Remember that you are valuable beyond measure, and your journey is uniquely yours to embrace.

With love and steadfast self-worth,


Juleen Anderson

Owner of Julz Journal and editor of BEAUTIFUL ME (Series)

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Monique Anderson

Author of the BEAUTIFUL ME (Series)

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