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Embracing Your Uniqueness: Why I'll Never Fit the Mould

BEAUTIFUL ME (Series): Why I'll Never Fit the Mould

Have you ever felt the weight of someone else’s expectations pressing down on you, urging you to conform, shrink, and fit into a mould that was never meant for you? I know I have. It’s a feeling that can suffocate your true essence, leaving you feeling like a lesser version of yourself, disconnected from the person you know you were created to be.

There are always those who believe their way is the only way. They try to impose their beliefs, values, and morals on you, shaping you into what they think you should be. They want to place you in their album of life, where every picture fits neatly into their narrative. But life isn’t meant to be lived according to someone else’s script. Your story, your truth, is yours to write.


I’ve experienced the pressure to hide pieces of myself that didn’t align with someone else’s expectations. I’ve felt the internal struggle of wanting to be accepted while knowing that to do so, I would have to betray parts of myself. This conflict creates a version of yourself that is diluted, less vibrant, and ultimately less true.

But here’s the truth I’ve come to embrace: I will never fit the mould, and that’s okay. That’s more than okay—it’s necessary.




No one has the right to impose their values or morals onto you. You are your person, uniquely crafted with a purpose that only you can fulfill. Your quirks, passions, and beliefs are all integral parts of who you are, and they deserve to be celebrated, not hidden away.

Trying to fit into someone else’s mould is like living in a house that wasn’t built for you. The ceilings are too low, the walls are too close, and the windows are too small to let in the light you need to thrive. It’s no wonder that trying to conform makes us feel suffocated, like we’re living as frauds.



But something beautiful happens when you step out of that mould and into the fullness of who you are. You begin to breathe easier, walk taller, and shine brighter. You become a true reflection of the person you were always meant to be, the person God created with intention and love.

So, I invite you to join me in this journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance. Let’s break free from the mould others try to place us in. Let’s celebrate the unique, unrepeatable masterpieces that we are. Let’s live boldly, authentically, and unapologetically, knowing that the world needs us precisely as we are.


Remember, you don’t have to fit the mould. You were never meant to. You were meant to be you—extraordinary, one-of-a-kind, and beautifully unrepeatable.

With love and light,


Juleen Anderson

Owner of Julz Journal and editor of BEAUTIFUL ME (Series)

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Monique Anderson

Author of the BEAUTIFUL ME (Series)

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