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Kidnapped into an unfamiliar reality

BEAUTIFUL ME (Series): Kidnapped into an unfamiliar reality

God’s sovereignty is so complete, his dominion so comprehensive that there is no situation difficult for him to conquer and no tide he cannot change. Even in the grimmest situations, he has the power to use the circumstances to deliver peace, hope and victory. To him, all grave situations contain ingredients that can be folded together to create a recipe of success and triumph. He is essentially the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

Let’s look at the case of a nameless, faceless girl thrust onto the landscape of scripture as a political captive. A native of Israel, she had been taken during a raid on her homeland and forced into slavery, ending up in the service of an army captain’s wife. It wasn’t the future she had dreamt about or hoped for. She didn’t envision she would be yanked away from her homeland, thrust into a dangerous and volatile environment with no opportunity for interjection and dispute. Yet in a twist of logic that’s hard for the frail human mind to grasp, the Lord strategize a rescue and victory enabled by her very same captors. “The Lord had given victory to Aram”, 2 Kings 5:1. His sovereignty reigning supreme.

What is current your unfamiliar reality? What is holding you captive? Is it your family situation, your job, your past, your health or all? Whatever your situation, God’s sovereignty prevails. Everything that happens to you is either ordained or allowed by him.  I was listening to an interview; the guest was a lady who went to prison. During the interview she mentioned God had to send her to a confined place (prison), hold her captive so his purpose for her life could emerge. What is the point of that story? The unfamiliar territory you are in can be used to prepare you for the journey ahead. Job endured trials and tribulations because God allowed it. He allowed the suffering and pain as a bridge to the blessings he had in store for Job. It is same with us; God funnels our situation towards a glorious outcome for your good and his purpose. Every situation is an opportunity for God to make his purpose be known in your life. Your unfamiliar reality will become your testimony. The little girl we spoke about earlier was placed in a position that would encourage her to seek solace and deliverance in God. Though it is easy and natural to question and despise your pain, we should bear in mind that through the midst of  it all stands your purpose.

I give you the story of this young woman whose master was Naaman, a leper. In those days leprosy was incurable, untreatable and those who were afflicted with the disease were outcast. The girl however, not only cared for Naaman but declared that the power of God could heal him. Though her faith landed her in prison, her courage and faith changed the hearts of thousands. Her story was used as a reference by Jesus as proof of his love, in ministry to the Gentiles, centuries later.

The greater the problem, the greater the miracle, the greater the miracle the greater the testimony. Your testimony will live on for years, touching the hearts and minds of those who are going through the exact situation you went through. Your captivity into an unfamiliar reality will lead unbelievers to proclaim the mercy and power of God. 

So, if your current circumstances are not aligning with your expectations, if you have been taken captive by life, kidnapped into an unfamiliar reality and you cannot understand why, remember God has a sovereign plan and your participation is required. Trust him to guide you through the unfamiliar territory into a greater purpose.

God bless you.

Juleen Anderson

Owner of Julz Journal and editor of BEAUTIFUL ME (Series)

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Monique Anderson

Author of the BEAUTIFUL ME (Series)

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